EMP Causality Read online

Page 9

  “Thank you, Jessica, thank you very much,” Sarah commented as she headed toward her own house.

  Soon it would be their turn for the generator. She really wanted to help her mom. Each house has access to a generator every other day, for an hour or two.

  Even though it is noisy, it makes them feel like human beings: the refrigerator, iron—even vacuuming the house is a joyous time. Imagine before the EMP strike, doing house cleaning was work then. Now it is a welcoming event! The divorcee would be in a daydream while running the vacuum machine. Quickly, she would also turn to use the iron to take care of those delicate clothes—a little bit of humanity, while outside, there was smoke and the occasional sound of a 9mm gun.

  Jessica’s house was a little bit further on. For her, it was a double whammy. She had a big-ass smile. So big that even an undertaker could not remove it. As she got closer to her house, she saw several people around the open fire. It was a morning ritual in the collaborative. They cook food and listen to the survival radio; some wash their clothes. Others even take a hot bath behind a protective tarp. Was it the sight of her father that caused a mood swing? Jessica kept her cool.

  “Morning, Jessica,” her mom said.

  “Morning, Ma,” Jessica replied.

  “Morning, Jessica, I made some breakfast for you,” Jessica’s dad (Ben) said with as much courage as possible. It was an oak leaf, a sign of a truce.

  Before Jessica could open her mouth, she noticed several people looking at her. Her mother, brother, the union man, even the drunk were looking at her. For one of the first times in her life, Jessica thought of a proper response. If she wanted to make a life with Joshua, it was time for her to grow up.

  “Thanks, I like to wash up a bit. I will be out in a few minutes,” Jessica replied in a monotone voice. Jessica felt comfortable and happy with her response.

  As she approached the front door, she noticed her mother. The pain on her face said a thousand words. Jessica felt bad. She did not want to cause any more pain for anyone. The fact is, she too was going through an enormous transformation.

  Coming back from Tent City, she saw the power companies hard at work. It will be several months before they reach their own collaborative.

  Jessica quickly entered her bedroom. Locking her bedroom door, she took the plastic bag with the letter in it out of her front pocket. Pulling the letter out of the plastic bag, she began to read. With deep emotions, she concentrated on the parts of the letter that she put her hopes and dreams in. Parts of the letter said Joshua was thinking of her constantly. Parts of the letter said she was there by his side during their perilous journey.

  There is an old saying, “Many people do perceptive listening,” which means they extract only what they want to hear. It is a way of denying part of the truth that is unpleasant. What Jessica was doing is “perceptive reading.” She only saw what was pertinent to her dreams. Joshua did tell her the truth. It is what Joshua’s mother recommend that he do. The Truth is that she is young, and if she hooks up with Joshua, she would forfeit her youth to Joshua. The truth is that they need a plan to live, work, and a means to survive.

  Joshua had the same desire for Jessica, but he was also a realist—a realist, because Joshua has been on his own. He knew the hardships of paying bills, buying food, clothing, and car expenses. He has expressed these concerns in his letter. Jessica just ignored them and fast-forwarded to her dream of a never-ending existence based on love alone. To go from high school right into marriage would strip Jessica of a life—a life that helps in the building blocks of fruitful and rewarding memories. Joshua did understand this, but Jessica did not. If Jessica did date other men, how would they compare to Joshua? It would be like playing in the big leagues, and then being sent down to the minors.

  Jessica felt she had what she always pined for. She was not going to let it go. Now it is a matter of time, and a few difficult pleasantries with her dad. After a few moments, Jessica put the letter back in her front pocket. Time to grow up and go outside. As she went outside, she saw her mom.

  “Hi mom, I have to get my breakfast. I’ll come back to talk to you,” Jessica said with a smile.

  “All right, dear!” Jessica’s mom replied.

  Painfully, she walked up to her dad and took the plate of food he prepared for her.

  “Thanks for the food, and the coffee,” she said to her dad without even looking at him.

  “You’re welcome,” he commented in a sad and hurtful tone.

  Jessica sensed the pain in her dad’s voice, but she too was sad and upset with him. Jessica walked by many others, including her brother Randy. She knew if she talked to Randy, it would cause even more family upheavals. She could talk to the drunk; that would be neutral, friendly. Jessica proceeded to her mom. If there ever is a chance for family peace, Alice would be the power broker.

  Alice was happy to see Jessica come to her, at the same time, she was a little nervous. Jessica looked drawn; her weight was seriously down. If electricity is ever restored, Alice would probably take Jessica out to get a few cheeseburgers.

  She could use some meat on that frame of hers. Jessica and her mom had a cordial but superficial talk. Jessica did tell her the wishes of Sarah, the divorcee’s daughter. Alice was grateful that Jessica took part in the welfare of the family. She wanted to open up with Jessica about her relationship with her dad. Somehow, Alice knew, this was not the time. Progress has been made, but let’s not blow it, she thought.

  For the next several days, there was a truce within the Randal clan and across the collaborative. Finally, it was time for Randy to do his weekly armory run. What was shocking was that he had asked Sarah, the divorcee’s daughter, to accompany him. The two people who were ecstatic were Jessica and her mom, Alice. It was not a real date but a joint adventure. Randy did come over to where Jessica and Alice were. He asked Jessica if he wanted her friend, Vivian, to come back with him. She had to think about it a minute. Jessica did miss her best friend, but she did not want to be lectured. She knew Vivian would give a series of warnings about Joshua. To Jessica, this had to be her decision alone. When and if she needs help or guidance, she will ask for it.

  Jessica was maturing, she hesitated, and then she thought of the positives. If she invited Vivian, her mom and others will think Jessica is coming back emotionally. She needed time—time for her to work on her master plan.

  “That will be fine, Randy. It will be nice to see her again,” Jessica said, putting up a false front.

  Jessica felt that if she was up front with Vivian, she would back down and not talk about Joshua. Jessica had to take control of destiny in her own life. What a difference a month makes. Last month she was an insecure teenager who needed her dad to shield her. Now she was a woman on a mission—a mission that will take her into womanhood.

  Randy smiled and said, “No problem, sis.”

  “Sis,” he had called me that before. I never knew how precious that was to me. I never had a close relationship with my brother. Now, I really cherish it. No matter what my future is, my brother and I are destined to be closer. In her mind and prayers, she asked her brother for forgiveness—forgiveness for not seeing the qualities and the kindness her brother processes. Seeing his smile sent a warm glow that penetrated her soul.

  Randy started up the Buick; it was a familiar sound, the sound of the heart of the collaborative beating. The Buick was not only humming but glowed like a shiny star that lit up the darkest of nights. With a few gasoline cans, a 9mm gun, and several clips, Randy had enough firepower to fight a small battle. They took off. Most of the collaborative members did not pay heed to what was happening. It was at this most important moment that Alice and her daughter were in sync. They both smiled to see Randy with Sarah, a beautiful woman. They both hoped it wouldn’t be the last time.

  With a temporary inner peace, Jessica decided to circulate. She calculated that if she was to stay any longer with her mom, it would send the wrong signals out. Her beef was with her da
d. She did not want to degrade him in front of the other members of the collaborative. When all else fails, the drunk was the go-to person. She knew that he always enjoys talking to a pretty woman.

  The afternoon went as any typical day: the sounds of the generator, and an occasional crack of a 9 mm. News was always hard to come by. Many times, listening to the “survival radio” was like listening to an old rerun of I Love Lucy. The government did not want people to panic. Down south, there were many causalities because of the lack of air-conditioning. A little west, past Ohio, Biker gangs were on the prowl. Lastly, near the epicenter, just outside New York City, there was physical damage. That is where the largest loss of life occurred.

  As Jessica was circulating, many of the collaborative were curious about her trip to Tent City. How large was it? Most wanted to know what the government was doing. Only the union man had cynical and sarcastic remarks. He was still angry that the government was not better prepared. He was a devoted union man and a registered Democrat. The Hendersons and Ben tried talking to him. They told him that no government preparation could handle the magnitude of this catastrophe. He was not going to listen. Most pitied his wife.

  It was getting on late in the afternoon. Today was a warm and humid day. Soon the bugs and mosquitoes will be out. Many have already gone home. Go home to what? Without electricity (except for the generator), it is quite boring. Those who stayed are close to the fire. It keeps the bugs away, and there is always something magical about a fire. Whether it is a camp or a frat party, gathering around a fire gives off a cozy feeling.

  By mid-afternoon, those who were still outside were anxiously waiting for Randy and his Buick. Alice, Ben, the divorcee, and even Jessica were waiting for Randy. Finally, a little before dusk, the sound of the Buick could be heard. There was always a sigh of relief when they return home safely. Jessica noticed there was somebody in the back seat. It wasn’t Vivian, but who? The Buick finally stopped. Randy and Sarah got out. They started to unpack supplies from the back seat. In the back seat, jammed with all the supplies, was Camille, Vivian’s mother.

  Hmmm, thought Jessica, this is a turn of events. She was a little puzzled and also frightened. She knew Vivian’s cousin was shot right outside their apartment complex. They are in a no man’s land, an extremely dangerous place. Every time Randy pulls in, he is always on high alert. If Camille hears the Buick at her complex, she runs down the stairs with a loaded gun. Camille has already fired her gun at several thugs. Most of them are cowards; they will go where there is no resistance.

  Camille exited the Buick. She looks a bit disheveled. Her pants are wrinkled and her hair is in a mess. It was not like her. She then saw Ben and walked to him.

  Randy and the divorcee’s daughter, Sarah, continued to unload supplies. Toilet paper—that was what many, especially the women, were looking for. Randy and a few of the collaborative members carefully divided out the haul. Each member got their fair share.

  Jessica was getting anxious. She really wanted to know if Vivian was all right. After a good ten minutes, Camille finally went over to grab some cooked food. As she was about to sit down, the drunk came over and offered her a drink. She had a smile on her face—I guess that means yes. Ben was busy working the fire pit and talking to William. Jessica could not wait any longer. She got up and walked over to Camille.

  As Jessica reached them, the drunk raised his whiskey glass.

  “Today is my lucky day, I have the company of two beautiful females,” the drunk commented, taking a sip from his glass.

  “Now you know you have to eat” Jessica said, in a caring tone.

  “Yes, I know, I will “The drunk replied.

  “Why don`t you grab a plate of food, and join us” Jessica said, using a little firmness in her voice.

  “Okay! Okay! I got the message,” the drunk replied as he gulped the last of the whiskey in his glass, he then stumbled over to the fire pit.

  Today, both William and Ben were doing the honors. It is really weird to see William cook. He seems like a good cook, but he hardly eats anything. Taking care of Fred requires a lot of cooking. Fred is the opposite of William. He is a compulsive eater. William would like to hide some of the food for Fred’s own good. If he did that, it would be against Fred’s “human rights.” Before the EMP strike, William carefully monitored Fred’s sugar level. Now, without any test strips, it is impossible.

  “Oh, hi Jessica. How are you? You’re looking good.” Camille asked in a friendly manner. “I am fine, thanks for asking. I am surprised to see you here. Is Vivian all right? I hope there is nothing wrong. Please tell me there is nothing wrong with Vivian!” Jessica asked, exposing an extremely nervous voice. She now had a strong guilt feeling. Since she had tied up with Joshua, Jessica had all but dropped Vivian.

  If anything happened to her, how would she forgive herself?

  Camille was famished. As Jessica was talking, she started to eat. She wanted to wash the food down with a drink that the drunk gave her. But Camille saw the anxiety in Vivian’s eye, even though she did not understand her alarm.

  Camille put the food down. She looked for a towel, then decided to wipe her mouth with her sleeves. It was a little gross, but better than talking with her mouth full.

  “My dear, heaven’s no! She is fine. She could not come here today. I don’t want my sister to be left alone. It is a lot more dangerous there than it is over here. My nephew was shot and died. The thugs are always prowling around. I taught my daughter how to use a gun. We have moved away from the projects to get away from this crap. I was really impressed with your high school, with the caliber of your students. Vivian has really taken an interest in school. Now, we are back to square one.” Camille started to weep. “I think the devil works in threes,” Camille said as she could no longer talk.

  “Please don’t cry, everything will be fine,” Jessica commented. With a bit of humanity, she put her arms around Camille. She was standing and decided to stoop down. Jessica put her head on Camille’s shoulders. It took everything she had not to cry with Camille.

  “My nephew was such a good boy. High grades and trained in the martial arts. He was just trying to protect an elderly woman. The thugs shot him. It meant nothing to them. Every time when the elderly come back from the armory, they become easy targets. When I saw those B——, I shot at them; it was not a warning shot.” Camille spurted out, not trying to hide a tinge of anger.

  At this point in time, the drunk came back with his food. He almost dropped his plate as he stumbled, trying to sit down.

  “You’re really lucky, Jessica, to have your father. He is such a good protector and provider,” Camille said, trying to hide her envy.

  “Here! Here!” The drunk said with a salute.

  Jessica was feeling a little uneasy with the praises about her dad, Ben.

  It was best just to keep quiet. What the love of a man can do to the family clan.

  “I really hope that I can see Vivian sometime soon,” Jessica said, trying to deflect any more talk about her father.

  “We’ll see, my dear. She has told me you are taken up with your new boyfriend,” Camille said as she put her hand on Jessica’s shoulder.

  “I . . . have been . . .” Jessica said as she composed herself. “Yes, I have been seeing someone, but Vivian has always been my friend. I don’t see any reason why we still can’t be friends.”

  “Hmmm.” Camille mumbled out, “Vivian did not want to talk to me about your new friend. She only said you were extremely taken by him. Listen, Jessica, Vivian does not have a lot of good friends. Boyfriends can come, and boyfriends can go, but good friends should stay together a long time.”

  “You are right. I really do miss her. I am just going through a lot right now.

  This EMP strike has really messed up my life,” Jessica said with a little confusion.

  “I understand, but you are so young, and beautiful. You have your whole life in front of you,” Camille said, using a touch of motherly advice. />
  “Egad! This is so complicated. No one seems to understand what I am up against!” Jessica cried out.

  “It always is at your age. You forget, we adults have been there. We weren’t born old. It just kind of crept up on us,” Camille said.

  “Funny, Joshua said some of the same things,” Jessica replied with a bewildered smile. “I just did not want to listen.”

  “So he has a name! Well now, we are making progress,” Camille uttered, continuing on with her wisdom.” It sounds like he also has some honor.”

  “Yes, honor, looks, charm, and he is very talented. He speaks many languages. How can I ask for anything more? I know it is going too fast. He even said that we should slow it down. It’s just when this EMP blast went off, I didn’t know if we would survive it. We didn’t plan on it. We were caught up in a serious firefight. Joshua stood by me. He risked his life for me. My father wouldn’t even let anyone talk. I am so angry and hurt,” Jessica said as she started to cry.

  Like the changing of the guards, Camille put her arms around Jessica. It took several minutes for Jessica to stop crying.

  Poor Ben, he was a good seventy feet away as he witnessed the whole act play out. Like a poor soul at the Spanish Inquisition, Ben felt he was being tried by a series of judges, each one slamming his gavel down. “Guilty.” It was unanimous. Where is the drunk? Ben has a last request. He needs a drink quickly. It might be his last request before the sentencing.

  Both Camille and Jessica decided that it was enough crying for one night. Stress—too much damn stress. Camille looked at Jessica.

  “Listen, Jessica, can I ask for a big favor” Camille spurted out.

  “Anything. What can I do for you?” Jessica said with optimism.

  “Can you ask your brother, Randy, if he could set up a hot bath for me?” Camille replied with anticipation.