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EMP Causality Page 20

  “Ma’am! You’ll have to take your turn. Just like the rest of the people,” the guard said in a deep, authoritarian voice.

  “Look, we have a shooting victim. We just took out a biker gang that has been threatening your neighborhood,” Ann stated as she showed him the few guns that she still had.

  “I will try and see what the nurse says,” the guard stated.

  “No! We put our lives up, and we need help or he will die. I am taking him in,”

  Ann stated as she drove closer.

  Camille got out of the Humvee and asked Fred to help. Gently, Ann, Camille, and Fred helped carry William inside the ER doors.

  “Stop! What are you doing? We did not give permission. We have too many patients,” an overworked and angry nurse yelled out.

  “He risked his life to protect yours. He’s lost a lot of blood. He needs help now!” an impatient Camille retorted.

  “Nurse, it will be all right. Put him in the hallway. See what type of blood he is and put him on an IV,” the doctor said. “Are you from the military?”

  “We are commissioned from the air base in Massachusetts. We are on the way to central headquarters at Tent City,” Ann answered.

  The doctor just looked. He is totally swamped. The nurse also looks haggard. The only saving grace is that they get hot meals and a hot shower. In this post-EMP blast, that alone is considered a luxury.

  Camille asked where the blankets were. William is shivering. Even though it’s extremely hot, his loss of blood has an effect on his body temperature. Camille went down to housekeeping; there she procured two blankets. The hospital is overloaded with patients. Like an overbooked ship in a third-world country, it seemed impossible for all these patients to be attended too.

  It’s been a grueling and an emotional day for them. Camille took Fred down to the cafeteria. It gave Ann a needed break, a reprieve from all the responsibilities.

  Ann desperately needed to emotionally unwind.

  Many at the hospital were really looking for the basics: food, water, and a hot shower. What few shelters that are running cannot handle the load. Then there are the elderly and disabled. Like a magnet, the hospital seems to attract the multitudes that are within walking distance.

  As the minutes turned to hours, the illusion of receiving timely care in the ER had greatly dissipated. Their road to Tent City seems to be paved with anguish and sorrow. When a nurse traverses down the hallway, she is greeted with an avalanche of pleas for help. Camille had bought up some apple sauce and cranberry juice for William. He is really shaking.

  Seeing William shake is a new and disturbing sight for Fred. He has always seen William as a monolith in a world of dependency.

  Even though Fred is challenged, he knows that William represents life itself.

  In a complete breakdown, Fred wrapped his arms around William and started to cry. Soon he started to beg William, “Please don’t die, please!”

  Everyone in the hallway took notice. There might be some real cases that actually require immediate help. That being said, it does not take a medical genius to see that William’s condition is starting to deteriorate. Camille had her hand over her mouth, and Ann was getting very upset. At this moment, a doctor ran out of the cubicle he was in. He immediately took stock of the situation.

  In normal times, a doctor would start yelling, or at least speak in a loud voice. These are not normal times. The nurses are all at their breaking point. Most good doctors appreciate the assistance of a well-trained medical staff. The doctor immediately went into action. He drew a little blood from William, then gave him a sedative to calm him down.

  With the help of Camille and Ann, the doctor got William onto a bed in a cubicle. The nurses, seeing what the doctor is doing, immediately sprang into action. They really respected the doctor and knew that as overburdened as they were, the doctor gave them a second wind.

  The medication seemed to calm William down. Soon he is being given a blood transfusion. With the transfusion taking place, it almost seemed an angel descended down. The angel touches William’s face and slowly his face begins to come to life. Camille, Ann, and even Fred could see the old William coming back to life. It is a very tense moment, but cries of joy can be heard.

  This emotional roller-coaster has been really draining on everyone. Camille,

  Ann, and Fred are all sitting down on the floor near William. The doctor had to attend to others and just left the cubicle. The waiting game continues, but it really doesn’t matter; William is stabilized.

  Sitting on the floor, Camille is reflecting on their harrowing experiences. Before they left on their trip, they heard stories of the biker gangs and thugs. When one hears about shootings, storms, and other acts of disasters, your mind plays tricks.

  You feel sorry for the victims, but you know it doesn’t involve you. Sometimes, reality really sucks when you are them.

  It’s a good thing that they are tired. When there is this massive downtime, social media comes to the rescue. Without any social media, the three of them are sleeping on the floor. Instead of waiting for a connecting flight, they are waiting for a room to open up.

  It took a few hours, but progress was slowly forging ahead. A nurse entered the cubicle to wake them. They got their room and, like being a refugee camp, all four camped out. It was an exhausting night. At least there was air-conditioning and their own private bathroom. Life is good. Fred finally gets his insulin shot. The night is finally coming to a close.

  Tomorrow is another day. No man left behind. They started with four, and whatever it takes, they will get to Tent City with four. The chemistry is good. Like family, everyone is concerned with the welfare of each other. Before she fell asleep, Camille took a few pictures with the digital camera. In the years to come, these pictures will be precious. As Camille was putting the camera away, she glanced at her three friends. All were asleep. Camille lifted the cross that was attached to her neck. She kissed it and said a prayer of thanks to the Almighty. She procured blankets and pillows for everyone. Tonight they have all been truly blessed.

  * * *

  Sarah has learned not only to knock on William`s wife’s door, but also to walk in if she doesn’t answer. It’s been three days since Ann and William left for Tent City. There has been no word yet. This might be a good thing.

  Most local authorities are trying to keep documentation for those who have perished. Last time William’s wife had a meal at the fire pit, the union man had the survival radio on. The news was discouraging. In the south, the elderly have been affected by the summer heat. Those who live west of Pennsylvania are being invaded by biker gangs.

  William is a very sensitive and passive human being. It bothered William’s wife that he was accompanied by two females. Not for any infidelity, but for his own safety. In her mind, how can two females possibly protect her husband and Fred? If Ann’s husband, Officer Ryan, was on the trip, her outlook would be entirely different. William’s wife has no one to talk to, or share her fears with.

  William’s wife feels comfortable with Sarah and Randy. They are both sensitive and good listeners. Still, William’s wife has no family or close friend to comfort her. Life is not always fair. In times of crisis, it is those who are defenseless who often suffer the most. During Hurricane Katrina, the elderly were left to drown or starve to death. Countless pets were set free to fend for themselves. Going from complete dependency to abandonment is a shock to a domestic pet, never mind an elderly person.

  Under a little pressure, Sarah coerced William’s wife to join the others at the fire pit. Sarah did ask the union man not to put on the survival radio. He understood. When you’re the King of your household (as the union man is), one can be a little insensitive to the feelings and the needs of others. To be put in your place by a younger person, especially a young female, can make you come down to planet Earth.

  At the fire pit, William’s wife is joined by the other members of the collaborative. Immersed in her own sorrow, William’s
wife notices that Ben and his daughter actually exchange pleasantries. Maybe the polar cap is slowing melting. It does bring a temporary smile on her face. Constant worrying and stress is really damaging to your physical and mental state. Any kind of break from this anguish is much appreciated.

  As they were eating and making small talk, Randy left for a mission. He has traveled to Vivian’s complex. There he attempts to bring Vivian back with him. Vivian likes and respects Randy. When he got there, Vivian was surprised yet happy. Her situation is a little different than that of William’s wife. She can confide in her aunt (Camille’s sister).

  Randy would make a good trial lawyer. He thinks fast and is very logical in his thought process. Vivian indicated she is comfortable with staying with her aunt during these delicate times. Randy said he understood. He understood Vivian and her aunt for their close family bond. Still, he expressed to Vivian that William’s wife is not afforded this kind of support. Secondly, when word comes it will be Officer Ryan who is the messenger, he will first come to the collaborative. Thirdly, Randy told Vivian that her mother is a good Christian, and that William’s wife needs help. They would both relate to each other well.

  Randy’s logic is undeniable. It is also with the efforts of Randy’s dad (Ben) that got Camille (Vivian’s mom) an audience with Officer Ryan.

  “It’s been three days since they left. I feel in the next day or two, we should get some kind of word. Randy is right; you need to keep William’s wife company.

  I know that is what your mom would want,” Vivian’s aunt commented. A little kindness and reverence might make things better around here.

  “Give me a few minutes to pack a few things and say bye to my aunt,” Vivian said politely.

  Taking his cue, Randy went outside and waited. After fifteen minutes, Vivian and her aunt came outside. They both hugged and genuinely showed each other their support. Her aunt put her bags in the back seat.

  Vivian always enjoys riding in Randy’s nice polished Buick. Of course, the aunt kept the 9mm gun. It not only kept her safe, but the complex as well. It is better protection than a Keep Out sign. It is the only thing that these local thugs understood.

  On the ride back, Vivian kept up a false front. She enjoys her freedom from her Mom. Vivian knows as a single parent her mom protected and fed her. To be brutally honest, Vivian is also extremely concerned. These local thugs with their 9mm guns are a threat. The biker gangs are a different class of evil. The local thugs were given birth because of the EMP blast. The blast created a vacuum of lawlessness. The local thugs filled this vacuum. The biker gangs are a different animal. They have been in existence for years. They have their own colors and their own codes. Life is cheap to them. Kill or be killed. It doesn’t often get any simpler than that.

  Living in the projects, Vivian understood this evil. She has become street-wise. Even though she enjoys her independence, she knows her mom has taught her well. Deep down, she really loves and respects her mom. To this end, she knows and can relate to William’s wife.

  Coming into the collaborative, the shiny Buick always brings a smile on everyone’s face. It is not only their lifeline, but it is damn pleasing to see an automobile that can still run. Before the EMP blast, traffic was annoying. Being stuck in endless traffic jams was stressful. Now just hearing an engine is music to the depraved masses.

  They drove up to the fire pit. As Vivian exited the Buick, everyone at the collaborative was happy to see her. The one who was especially excited to see her was Jessica. Vivian was and still is Jessica’s best friend. Jessica really wanted to share her good fortunes with Vivian. Her boyfriend, Joshua, and her dad (Ben) have come to a tenuous understanding—a truce even!

  Jessica is so thrilled that she offered to get Vivian’s bags from Randy’s car.

  Randy, acting like King Solomon, interceded.

  “Sis, not right now. Thank you! I will handle it,” Randy said to Jessica, his sister.

  Randy knew Vivian was here for William’s wife and vice versa. He is also trying not to offend his own sister.

  Sarah, Randy’s girlfriend, witnessed this little friendly episode. She is impressed with Randy. Then there is Ben (I know, you already forgot about him). We don’t want to isolate him again. This time, if he is isolated again, he might do something drastic, maybe like driving the shiny Buick off a cliff. Now where would the collaborative be without Ben or that shiny Buick? See! I got you!

  Perhaps for the first time, Vivian and Jessica were not on the same page. Vivian is extremely polite. She is happy for Jessica and happy with the turn of events. Jessica is now at peace with her dad. She feels her relationship with Joshua is going well. Vivian just listened. Jessica saw sadness on Vivian’s face. She asked Vivian, “What’s wrong?” For once, Vivian is not so eager to share her feelings. In Vivian’s mind, she wished she had a dad in her life, especially one that had always been there for her.

  Now Vivian is just concerned about her mom’s safety. Vivian gave out a half a smile. Randy is right; William’s wife and Vivian really need each other. At least, until this ordeal is over. Randy sat down next to Sarah. He wanted events to play out. He knew Vivian would be able to figure out a proper course of actions with his sister.

  After a few hours, Randy and Sarah knew it was time. Sometimes in life, you need to give in to the natural flow of events. Trying to choreograph or control a time line will only backfire. With half a heart, Vivian showed minor interest in Jessica’s little soap opera. She thought Joshua was a nice-looking man. When the lights come back on, Joshua will be back at making a sound living. Maybe the relationship will blossom into a fruitful and everlasting marriage. All Vivian cared about is that Jessica try other waters. Jessica thought differently. Now Vivian is moving on. If they do get married, Vivian and Jessica’s relationship will definitely change.

  It was near lunch when Sarah got to speak with William’s wife. It was a little easier this time. She told William’s wife that Vivian is here. After all, Vivian’s mom (Camille) is with William on this dangerous journey.

  Before a bonding, there has to be a courtship. Both Randy and Sarah understood this. Sarah told William’s wife and Vivian that they should have lunch together. With great compassion, Sarah arranged a private sit-down for the two of them.

  These are trying times for everyone. Jessica has been through a lot herself. She now understood what her brother was doing. Jessica felt a little stupid at first, but she did gain a little more respect for her brother. In fact everyone, in the collaborative understood what was happening.

  The two of them talk for over an hour. Finally, with a tear in each of their eyes, they both stood up. Vivian approached Randy and asked if he would bring her bags over to William’s wife’s house. With Sarah watching and trying not to cry, Randy cheerfully obliged. Before Vivian went to William’s wife’s house, she showed a little class to Jessica. She went over to Jessica and told her that until they hear from Officer Ryan, she needed to stay with William’s wife. Jessica did understand. After all, Jessica did do what is best for her.

  At any rate, now there is no reason for Ben to drive of a cliff. With the assistance of Randy and Sarah, the home fires seem to be under control.

  * * *

  A soft constant humming noise of the generators can be heard. It gives the hospital life. Waking up this morning seems strange. A little bit of civilization is reintroduced into Ann and her friends. Camille has gone outside with Fred. They have gone to the Humvee to get a change of clothes. Outside already seems like an oven with hordes of people that never seem to go away.

  The overflow of people keeps a constant stress load on the hospital staff. Every few days, the army sends in supplies. The masses of people sense this. The hospital represents relief and hope. There are signs that give directions to where the nearest armories are. In the fog of a disaster, it takes a while for the government forces to be organized.

  How is it possible for the elderly and the disabled to get to the armory? The doct
ors are all at a breaking point. Finally they developed a shuttle service. A triage nurse can eliminate the majority of these people. Every few hours, a military bus transports many of these people to a local armory. Basic medications like blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. can be given at the armory. The triage nurse handles a multitude of people without extensive tests.

  It’s sad, but there are several armed guards. Camille and Fred just grab the clothes and reenter the hospital. The needy seem endless. Camille feels grateful that they were able to receive help.

  In the room, everyone is up. William is no longer shivering. A big smile is on his face. Fred hugs William until Camille told him to be careful. It is the beginning of the fourth day. Ann is a little concerned. She knows she has to get word back to the state police barracks.

  It took a few hours, but the same doctor visited William. Everyone is grateful for the work the doctor has accomplished. They were all on the same page. The doctor indicated that William should stay three or four days to fully come back. The hospital desperately needs the room for other patients. Ann is anxious to continue their journey.

  There is an air base a good three-hour drive away. It is where the hospital gets its supplies. The doctor has arranged that a bed be put into one of the army trucks. It will leave early afternoon.

  The journey continues. In the Humvee, Ann is driving and Fred is riding shotgun. In one of the army trucks, William is in a hospital bed. He has the IV stand next to him. Sitting near him is Camille. She is his personnel attendant.

  Family—that is how each of them see themselves. The biker gangs and thugs will not bother a convoy of army trucks. This is the first time that they are traveling in real safety.

  Instead of a fast-moving ambulance, it is a slow-driving army tuck that is transporting a patient. “They arrive at the air base in just under four hours.” There is a beehive of activity. As they drive through a checkpoint, Ann can hear the various cargo planes approaching the airstrips. The planes are not only from the military but from several other countries.